# API References

Applicable to version 7.0.0 and above

# JavaScript Extended Functions

# console.log

Log message to Log View


Parameter Type Specification
message String




console.log('What a funny one!')

const something = {
    color: 0xd6e8s9,
    point: {
        x: 100,
        y: 100
    appName: 'IDK'
// How to format a string with parameters?
// %s means a String
// %d means a Number
// %j will stringify it as a formated JSON
console.log('I am a log of something interesting: %j', something)

// You can also just use the power feature of JS:

console.log(`I am a log of something interesting: ${ JSON.stringify(something )}`)

# alert

Popup a message


Parameter Type Specification
message String




alert('What a funny one!')

// How to format a string with parameters?
// %s means a String
// %d means a Number
// %j will stringify it as a formated JSON
alert('I am a log of something interesting: %j', something)

// You can also just use the power feature of JS:
alert(`I am a log of something interesting: ${ JSON.stringify(something )}`)

# usleep

Sleep several microseconds (1/1000000 second)


Parameter Type Specification
microseconds Integer The number of paused microseconds.




// Sleep 1 second.

// OR import first
const { usleep } = at

# touchDown

Simulate touch down at (x, y)


Parameter Type Specification
id Integer Finger ID, which is used to mark a finger in single-touch or multi-touch, just use 1 or 2 or 3...
x Float x-coordinate on the screen
y Float y-coordinate on the screen




at.touchDown(0, 100, 200)

// OR
const { touchDown } = at;
touchDown(0, 100, 200)

# touchMove

Move the finger to coordinate (x,y).


Parameter Type Specification
id Integer Finger ID, which is used to mark a finger in single-touch or multi-touch, just use 1 or 2 or 3...
x Float x-coordinate on the screen
y Float y-coordinate on the screen




at.touchMove(0, 200, 200)

# touchUp

Lift the finger from coordinate (x,y)


Parameter Type Specification
id Integer Finger ID. is used to mark a finger in single-touch or multi-touch.
x Float x-coordinate on the screen
y Float y-coordinate on the screen




at.touchUp(0, 100, 200)

# keyDown

Simulate the pressing of physical key.


Parameter Type Specification
keyType Integer Physical key identification. Now you can use these physical keys.




// Simulate the pressing of Home Key.

# keyUp

Simulate the lifting of physical key.


Parameter Type Specification
keyType Integer Physical key identification. Now you can use these physical keys.





# getColor

Get the color value of the pixel point of the specified coordinate on current screen.


Parameter Type Specification
x Float x-coordinate on the screen
y Float y-coordinate on the screen


getColor returns an array containing two elements, first is result, second is error, you should check the error in a good practice


const [result, error] = getColor(100, 200)
if (error) {
    alert('Failed to get color, error: %s', error)
} else {
    alert('Got result by getColor', result)

// or ignore the error
const [color] = getColor(100, 200)
alert('Got color ${color} at point 100, 200')
// Go on to do next

# getColors

Get the color values of the pixel points of the specified coordinates on current screen.


Parameter Type Specification
locations table A grouo of coordinates, just as { {x1,y1}, {x2,y2}, {x3,y4} }


Return Type Specification
colors table Colors gotten with corresponding order.


const { getColors } = at

// getColors([{x: x1, y: y1}, {x: x2, y: y2}, ...])
const [result, error] = getColors([
    {x: 100, y: 100},
    {x: 200, y: 200},
    {x: 300, y: 300},
    {x: 400, y: 400},
if (error) {
    alert('Failed to get colors, error: %s', error)
} else {
    // print the result by looping
    result.forEach(item => console.log(`Got color: ${item}`))
    // alert the result
    alert('getColors result1:', result1)

# findColor

Search the coordinates of the pixel points matching the specified color on current screen.


params is an object which contains:

Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
color Integer Matched color value. NO
count Integer How many result items you want to get? 0 means all, default is 10, the faster the speed is. NO 10
region table You only search the result in the specified area. This area is the table type including four values {x, y, width, height}. The four values respectively represent the coordinate x, coordinate y, width, and height of the rectangular area. {100,100,200,200} is an example. If you do not want to specify the area, just input null. NO null
debug boolean If pass debug=true, it will produce a image ends with "-Debug.PNG" marked the matching areas. YES false
rightToLeft boolean Search direction, default is left to right. YES false
bottomToTop boolean Search direction, default is top to buttom. YES false


Return Type Specification
locations table Coordinates of matched pixel points. For example: { {x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, ... }


// import functions from the main module of AutoTouch
const [result, error] = at.findColor({ color: 0xFFFFFF })
if (error) {
    alert('Failed to find colors, error: %s', error)
} else {
    result.forEach(item => console.log('>>>>>>> found color 0xFFFFFF at: %j', item))
    alert('Got result of findColors: ', result)

Internal Implementation

const findColor = function (params) {
	const args = params
	args.colors = [{ color: params.color, x: 0, y: 0 }]
	delete args.color
	return at.findColors(args)

# findColors

  • Search all rectangular areas matching “specified color and their corresponding location and return the coordinate of the pixel point matching the first color in the rectangular area. This function has the search efficiency and availability far beyond findImage. For example, you need not match the whole key picture, but only match the anchors’ color and their corresponding location on the key. You can specify the number of the results by count parameter. 0 refers to all, 1 refers to the first one, and 2 refers to the first tow. region parameter can specify the search area, which is the table type {x,y,width, height}. You only input null if no data is specified.
  • This function can use the "HELPER" tool in the “Extension Function” of the script-editing interface to select the anchors’ colors from the screenshot and get their corresponding location to the function’s parameter automatically.
  • The coordinate of the pixel point pointed by the arrow is the coordinate of the return value.



params is an object which contains:

Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
colors table Include some color and their corresponding location, such as:{ {0x00ddff,0,0}, {0x00eeff,10,10}, {0x0000ff,0,20} }. The small table in the big table includes 3 values: the first is the color value. The second and the third are the corresponding locations of the colors to the first color. The corresponding location of the first color’s table is always (0,0). {0x00ddff,0,0} is an example. The location values of the successive colors are their locations corresponding to the first color. The matched rectangular area can be found on the screen upon these colors and corresponding location relation. NO
count Integer How many result items you want to get? 0 means all, default is 10, the faster the speed is. NO 10
region table You only search the result in the specified area. This area is the table type including four values {x, y, width, height}. The four values respectively represent the coordinate x, coordinate y, width, and height of the rectangular area. {100,100,200,200} is an example. If you do not want to specify the area, just input null. NO null
debug boolean If pass debug=true, it will produce a image ends with "-Debug.PNG" marked the matching areas. YES false
rightToLeft boolean Search direction, default is left to right. YES false
bottomToTop boolean Search direction, default is top to buttom. YES false


Return Type Specification
locations table The coordinate of the first color matched in the found rectangular area, including { {x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, ...}


// options for findColors
const options = {
    colors: [ // REQUIRED, colors and their relative positions
        { color: 16661296, x: 0, y: 0 },
        { color: 1751033, x: -53, y: 67 },
    count: 3, // OPTIONAL, default is 0, 0 means no limitation
    region: null, // OPTIONAL, default is null, null means the whole screen
    debug: true, // OPTIONAL, default is false, true means turn on the debug mode which will produce an image showing the finding process
    rightToLeft: false, // OPTIONAL, default is false, true means do the finding from right to left of the screen
    bottomToTop: false // OPTIONAL, default is false, true means do the finding from bottom to top of the screen

 * METHOD 1: keep doing findColors continually for specified times or specified long time or till a specified time
 * at.findColors(params)
 * @param {object} params - object of params
    options, // OPTIONAL, options for text recoginition, same as function `ocr()`.
    duration: 10, // OPTIONAL, how long time you want it to keep finding? Three formats are supported: 1. `duration: 10` means repeat finding 10 times, the value must be a number, can't be a string; 2. `duration: '60s'` means keep finding for 60 seconds, the value must be seconds + a character 's'; 3. `duration: '2020-05-30 12:00:00'` means keep finding till 2020-05-30 12:00:00. Default is `duration: 10` means repeat 10 times, the value must be a string.
    interval: 1000, // OPTIONAL, interval between loops in milliseconds, default is 1000 milliseconds.
    exitIfFound: true, // OPTIONAL, if exit findColors if got a result successfully, default is true.
    eachFindingCallback: () => { // OPTIONAL, will call this function after each finding loop.
        console.log(`------Did a time of findColors at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}-------`)
    foundCallback: result => { // OPTIONAL, will call this function while getting matched result, returns the rectangle coordinate matching the action you specified through `matchMethod`.
        console.log(`Got result of findColors:\n${JSON.stringify(result, null, '    ')}`)
    errorCallback: error => { // OPTIONAL, handle any error, will exit findColors if got error, if no errorCallback provide, it will alert while getting error.
    completedCallback: () => { // OPTIONAL, callback when all finding completed
        console.log('findImage compeleted!')
    block: false, // OPTIONAL, you want to run findColors asynchronously or synchronously, block=true means it will run synchronously and block here till completed, default is false, doesn't block here.

 * METHOD 2: do findColors a single time synchronously
 * at.findColors(options)
 * @param {object} options - find image options
 * @returns {array} - array of [result, error]
const [result, error] = at.findColors(options)
if (error) {
    alert('Failed to find colors, error: %s', error)
} else {
    console.log('Got result by findColors synchronously', result);

 * METHOD 3: do findColors a single time asynchronously
 * at.findColors(options, callback)
 * @param {object} options - find image options
 * @param {function} callback - callback function for handling the result or error
at.findColors(options, (result, error) => {
    if (error) {
        alert('Failed to find colors, error: %s', error)
    console.log('Got result by findColors asynchronously', result);

# findImage

Search areas matching the specified image on current screen and return the center coordinates. It supports any format of target images. It also provides a debug mode which will produce an image marked the matching areas.



params is an object which contains:

Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
targetImagePath String Path of the target image to match, for example: "images/gold.PNG". Any image with valid format are supported. If the path starts with character "/", it will be treated as absolute path, if not, it will be treated as relative path. Most of the time we use relative path, speficially for .ate package. NO
count Integer How many result items you want to get? 0 means all, default is 10, the faster the speed is. NO 10
threshold float Searching precision, maximum value is 1 means totally the same, minimum value is -1 means non same, default is 0.9, usually 0.99 is good. Pass null if you just want to use the default value. YES 0.9
region table Do searching in which region. Pass null if you just want to use the default value. YES Whole screen
debug boolean If pass debug=true, it will produce a image ends with "-Debug.PNG" marked the matching areas. YES false
method integer Searching method, default is 1, pass 2 if you want to use the more intelligent method which is able to cover size scale, orientation, color changed, it will be a little slower than method 1. YES 1


Return Type Specification
center locations table Center coordinates of the matching areas.


const targetImagePath = 'images/test_finding_image.png'

const region = {
    x: 20,
    y: 50,
    width: 200,
    height: 300

// Capture specified area from the current screen
at.screenshot(targetImagePath, region)

// Prepare parameters
const options = {
    targetImagePath: targetImagePath,
    count: 3, // OPTIONAL, default is 0, 0 means no limitation
    threshold: 0.9, // OPTIONAL, default is 0.9
    region: null, // OPTIONAL, default is null, null means the whole screen
    debug: true, // OPTIONAL, default is false, true means turn on the debug mode which will produce an image showing the finding process
    method: 1, // OPTIONAL, default is 1, 2 means a more intelligent method

 * METHOD 1: keep doing findImage continually for specified times or specified long time or till a specified time
 * at.findImage(params)
 * @param {object} params - object of params
    options, // OPTIONAL, options for finding image.
    duration: 10, // OPTIONAL, how long time you want it to keep finding? Three formats are supported: 1. `duration: 10` means repeat finding 10 times, the value must be a number, can't be a string; 2. `duration: '60s'` means keep finding for 60 seconds, the value must be seconds + a character 's'; 3. `duration: '2020-05-30 12:00:00'` means keep finding till 2020-05-30 12:00:00. Default is `duration: 10` means repeat 10 times, the value must be a string.
    interval: 1000, // OPTIONAL, interval between loops in milliseconds, default is 1000 milliseconds.
    exitIfFound: true, // OPTIONAL, if exit findImage if got a result successfully, default is true.
    eachFindingCallback: () => { // OPTIONAL, will call this function after each finding loop.
        console.log(`------Did a time of findImage at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}-------`)
    foundCallback: result => { // OPTIONAL, will call this function while getting matched result, returns the rectangle coordinate matching the action you specified through `matchMethod`.
        console.log(`Got result of findImage:\n${JSON.stringify(result, null, '    ')}`)
    errorCallback: error => { // OPTIONAL, handle any error, will exit findImage if got error, if no errorCallback provide, it will alert while getting error.
    completedCallback: () => { // OPTIONAL, callback when all finding completed
        console.log('findImage compeleted!')
    block: false, // OPTIONAL, you want to run findImage asynchronously or synchronously, block=true means it will run synchronously and block here till completed, default is false, doesn't block here.

 * METHOD 2: do findImage a single time synchronously
 * at.findImage(options)
 * @param {object} options - find image options
 * @returns {array} - array of [result, error]
const [result, error] = at.findImage(options)
if (error) {
    alert('Failed to findImage, error: %s', error)
} else {
    console.log('Got result by findImage synchronously', result);

 * METHOD 3: do findImage a single time asynchronously
 * at.findImage(options, callback)
 * @param {object} options - find image options
 * @param {function} callback - callback function for handling the result or error
at.findImage(options, (result, error) => {
    if (error) {
        alert('Failed to findImage, error: %s', error)
    console.log('Got result by findImage asynchronously', result);

# screenshot(savePath, region)

  • Take a screenshot for the whole screen or specified area.
  • It will save the screenshot image as an PNG into "AutoTouch" album of iOS Photo Library if the savePath parameter is null, and will save the PNG to the speficied path if savePath is not null.
  • If region parameter is null, it will take shot of the whole screen.
  • By Clicking "+" button at top-right of AutoTouch view, then "Copy Image Here", you are able to copy an image from iOS Photo Library to AutoTouch scripts directory.


Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
savePath string Where to save the image. YES "AutoTouch" album of iOS Photo Library
region table You make a screenshot of the specified area. This area is the table type including four values {x, y, width, height}. The four values respectively represent the coordinate x, coordinate y, width, and height of the rectangular area. {100,100,200,200} is an example. If you do not want to specify the area, just input null. YES null




// import screenshot function from module at
const { screenshot } = at

// Take screenshot without parameters.
// Without parameter `savePath`, it will save the image to your iOS Album
// or

// Specify savePath parameter to take scsreenshot. 
// If the savePath doesn't start with character '/', means it's a relative path, the image will be saved to the relative path of current script
// If the savePath starts with character '/', means it's a absolute path, the image will be saved to the absolute path
screenshot(`images/${new Date().toISOString()}.png`)

// Specify savePath and region, region means the rect area of the screen you want to capture screenshot
screenshot(`images/${new Date().toISOString()}.png`, { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 200 })

// Prepare parameters before using
const savePath = `images/${new Date().toISOString()}.png`
const region = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 300, height: 500 }
screenshot(savePath, region)

# appRun

Run specified application.


Parameter Type Specification
appIdentifier string Application identifier, including "com.apple.mobilesafari". You can find the identifier from this service (opens new window)




-- Run Safari

# appKill

Kill specified application.


Parameter Type Specification
appIdentifier string Application identifier, including "com.apple.mobilesafari". You can find the identifier from this service (opens new window)




-- Kill the running Safari

# appState

Get the running state of the specified application


Parameter Type Specification
appIdentifier string Application identifier, including "com.apple.mobilesafari". You can find the identifier from this service (opens new window)


Return Type Specification
state string State of Character string type: "NOT RUNNING", "ACTIVATED", "DEACTIVATED"。


-- Get the state of Safari.
const state = appState('com.apple.mobilesafari')
alert('State of Safari: %s', state))
-- Pop up the state of Safari: "ACTIVATED"

# rootDir()

Get the default directory address of the saved script. This is the default saving address of scripts and screenshots: "/var/mobile/Library/AutoTouch/Scripts/".




Return Type Specification
dir string Default directory address of the saved script.


// Popup "/var/mobile/Library/AutoTouch/Scripts/"
alert(`The root dir of AutoTouch is ${rootDir()}`)

# toast(message, delay)

Show messages with Toast style and delay for some seconds.


Parameter Type Specification
message string Content to be showed.
delay integer How long time to keep showing, default is 2 seconds.




at.toast("Hello I'm a toast!", 5) -- Show message for 5 seconds.
at.toast("Hello again!") -- Show message for 2 seconds.

# vibrate()

Vibrate once。






// Vibrate once.

# getDeviceOrientation()

Get orientation of the device. Returns string value. Please refer to the "Orientation Type of Screen" for specific correspondence relation.




Return Type Specification
orientation String Screen orientation may be these values


alert(`Device orientation is : ${at.getDeviceOrientation()}`)
// Pop up the orientation of the device

# getSN()

Get Serial Number of the device.




Return Type Specification
SN string Serial Number of the device.


const sn = at.getSN()
alert(`Serial Number of this device is ${sn}`)
// Popup shows the SN of the device: C15NFK32TWD2

# getVersion()

Get version of AutoTouch.




Return Type Specification
version string Version of AutoTouch.


const version = at.getVersion()
alert(`Current version of AutoTouch is : ${version}`)
// Pop up shows current version of AutoTouch: 3.5.3-4

# frontMostAppId()

Get identifier of current front most App.




Return Type Specification
App Identifier string App Identifier of current front most App.


const appId = at.frontMostAppId()
alert(`Current front most App is : ${appId}`)

# frontMostAppOrientation()

Get orientation of current front most App. See the Types of orientations




Return Type Specification
Orientation integer Orientation of current front most App.


const orientation = at.frontMostAppOrientation()
alert(`Orientation of current front most App is : ${orientation}`)

# intToRgb

Transit integer color to independent values of R,G,B.
It's in utils module, not at module


Parameter Type Specification
intColor Integer Integer color value


Return Type Specification
R Integer Red color value.
G Integer Green color value.
B Integer Blue color value.


const { intToRgb } = utils
const r, g, b = intToRgb(0x2b2b2b)
alert(`red: ${r}, green: ${g}, blue: ${b}`)

# rgbToInt(r, g, b)

Transit values of R,G,B to integer color value.
It's in utils module, not at module


Parameter Type Specification
R Integer Red color value.
G Integer Green color value.
B Integer Blue color value.


Return Type Specification
intColor Integer Integer color value


const { rgbToInt } = utils
const intColor = rgbToInt(200, 255, 100)
alert(`integer value of rgb(200, 255, 100) is ${intColor}`)

# copyText

Copy specified text to clipboard.


Parameter Type Specification
text string Text to be copied.




at.copyText('This is a copied text!')

# clipText()

Get the text in the clipboard.




Return Type Specification
text string Text copied in the clipboard.


const text = at.clipText()
// Popup shows the text to be copied: "This is a copied text!";

# inputText

Input text to the input box selected now. You can delete a character backspace by inputText("\b"). ATTENSION: Enable inoutText function at AutoTouch Settings > Features before using it.


Parameter Type Specification
text string Text to be input.




at.inputText("Let's input some text automatically without tapping the keyboard!")
// Delete 3 character by inputing 3 backspaces.

# dialog

Pop up self-defined dialog box to accept the user input. Please refer to the example for specific usage.


params is an object which contains:

Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
controls table Array of self-defined controls. You can now use these dialog box controls. NO
orientations table Orientations that dialog can be, see Types of orientations. YES auto


Return Type Specification
Flag of tapped button integer


const label = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.LABEL, text: "Would you mind to provide some personal informations?" }
const nameInput = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.INPUT, title: "Name:", key: "Name", value: "Bob" }
const positionPicker = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.PICKER, title: "Position:", key: "Position", value: "CEO", options: ["CEO", "CTO", "CFO", "CXO"] }
const developerSwitch = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.SWITCH, title: "A Developer:", key: "ADeveloper", value: 1 }

// It's an option for users to determine weather the inputs should be remembered, if you use this control in the dialog.
const remember = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.REMEMBER, on: false }

Define buttons:
title = Button text
color = Button background color, it's optional, the default value is 0x428BCA
width = Button width upon percentage of the dialog width, it's optional, the default value is 0.5, max value is 1.0.
flag = Integer type of button flag for identifying which button is tapped.
collectInputs = Boolean type specifying wheather the dialog should collect the inputs while this button is tapped.
const btn1 = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.BUTTON, title: "Button 1", color: 0x71C69E, width: 0.8, flag: 1, collectInputs: true }
const btn2 = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.BUTTON, title: "Button 2", color: 0xFF5733, flag: 2, collectInputs: true }
const btn3 = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.BUTTON, title: "Button 3", color: 0xFFB7D0, width: 1.0, flag: 3, collectInputs: false }
const btn4 = { type: CONTROLLER_TYPE.BUTTON, title: "Button 4", width: 1.0, flag: 4, collectInputs: true }

const controls = [label, nameInput, positionPicker, developerSwitch, btn1, btn2, remember, btn3, btn4]

// Pop up the dialog. After popping, the script will suspend waiting for user input until any button is tapped, then returns the flag of tapped button.

// What orientations the dialog could be, it's optional

const result = at.dialog({ controls, orientations });

if (result == 1) {
    alert("name:%s, birthday:%s, gender:%d", nameInput.value, positionPicker.value, developerSwitch.value)
} else {
    alert("Dialog returned: %s", result)


# clearDialogValues

Clear the remembered values of the dialog created by the function dialog.


Parameter Type Specification
scriptPath string script relative path or absolute path. eg. there is a dialog.lua script in the scripts list, use it like this: clearDialogValues("dialog.js")




-- There is a dialog.js script in the scripts list

# openURL

Open url, or open other apps' url scheme. Look at Always-Updated List of iOS App URL Scheme Names (opens new window) and example: Google Maps URL Scheme for iOS (opens new window)


Parameter Type Specification
urlString string Target to open.




const { openURL } = at


# license()

Get current license status of AutoTouch




Return Type Specification
license type string BASIC or PRO or null


alert(`AutoTouch license of current device is ${at.license()}!`)

# setAutoLaunch(scriptPath, on)

Switch on/off a script as auto launch.


Parameter Type Specification
filePath string Path starts with "/" is a absolute path, otherwise it's a relative path.
on boolean Switch auto launch on or off, true means on, false means off.




at.setAutoLaunch("Records/test.lua", true)

# listAutoLaunch()

List all auto launch scripts




Return Type Specification
scripts table Relative path List of auto launch scripts.


const scripts = at.listAutoLaunch()
if (scripts) {
    scripts.forEach(item => console.log(`>>>>>>>>>> got a auto launch script at: ${item}`))
} else {
    alert('Auto launch script not found!')

# stop()

Stop the current script execution.






// Exit execution

# recognizeTextSupportedLanguages

Get supported languages of text recognition


 * Get supported languages of text recognition
 * at.recognizeTextSupportedLanguages()
 * @return {object} languages
const supportedLanguages = at.recognizeTextSupportedLanguages();
console.log(`Supported languages of text recognition:\n${JSON.stringify(supportedLanguages, null, '    ')}`)

# ocr

v8.0.10 and above

Recognize text on the screen


// Example using `AI_CLOUD`:

// Use remote AI service which bases on `TesseractOCR` at present.
const optionsAiCloud = {
    // OPTIONAL, default is `OCR_METHOD.IOS_VISION`, `AI_CLOUD` means remote AI service which bases on `TesseractOCR`.
    method = OCR_METHOD.AI_CLOUD,

    // OPTIONAL, image path (relative or absolute path), default is nil, nil means do ocr on the screen, otherwise do ocr on the provided image.
    // image = "./image.png",

    // OPTIONAL, specified the region to recognize text, default is nil which means the whole screen.
    region = {100, 100, 500, 500},

    // OPTIONAL, you can find the options from https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata
    lang = 'eng+fra',

    // OPTIONAL, what characters you want to recognize in the region, such as "0123456789" will find numbers only, default is nil.
    whitelist = '1234567890',

    // OPTIONAL, default is 10 seconds
    timeout = 10,

    // OPTIONAL, whether you want to produce debug image, default is false
    debug = true,

// Example using `IOS_VISION`:

// Use iOS built-in `Vision.framework` to do `ocr`.
const optionsIosVision = {
    // OPTIONAL, default is `OCR_METHOD.IOS_VISION` which uses 

    // OPTIONAL, image path (relative or absolute path), default is nil, nil means do ocr on the screen, otherwise do ocr on the provided image.
    // image = "./image.png",

    // OPTIONAL, area of the screen you want to detect
    region: { x: 0, y: 100, width: 300, height: 300 },

    // OPTIONAL, an array of strings to supplement the recognized languages at the word recognition stage.
    // customWords: ['Deploy', 'Troops'],

    // OPTIONAL, the minimum height of the text expected to be recognized, relative to the region/screen height, default is 1/32
    // minimumTextHeight: 1 / 32,

    // OPTIONAL, 0 means accurate first, 1 means speed first
    level: 0,

    // OPTIONAL, an array of languages to detect, in priority order, only `en-US` supported now. ISO language codes: http://www.lingoes.net/en/translator/langcode.htm
    // Use function `at.recognizeTextSupportedLanguages()` to get the supported languages
    languages: ['en-US', "fr-FR", 'zh-Hans'],

    // OPTIONAL, whether use language correction during the recognition process.
    // correct: false,

    // OPTIONAL, whether you want to produce debug image
    debug: true,

 * DO OCR WITH ASYNC WAY (which will now block the process flow at this line):
 * Recognize text on the screen or a specified region
 * at.ocr(options, callback)
 * @param {object} options - recognition options
 * @param {function} callback - callback function for handling the result or error
at.ocr(optionsIosVision, (result, error) => {
    if (error) {
    } else {
        console.log(`Got result of ocr:\n${JSON.stringify(result, null, '    ')}`)
        // Got result of ocr:
        // [
        //     {
        //         "text": "Example",
        //         "rectangle": {
        //             "bottomRight": {
        //                 "x": 300.47,
        //                 "y": 177.78
        //             },
        //             "topRight": {
        //                 "x": 300.47,
        //                 "y": 237.52
        //             },
        //             "topLeft": {
        //                 "x": 33.51,
        //                 "y": 237.42
        //             },
        //             "bottomLeft": {
        //                 "x": 33.51,
        //                 "y": 177.68
        //             }
        //         }
        //     }
        // ]

 * YOU CAN ALSO DO OCR WITH SYNC WAY (which will block the proess until this calling returns the result or error):
 * Recognize text on the screen or a specified region
 * at.ocr(options)
 * @param {object} options - recognition options
const [result, error] = at.ocr(optionsIosVision)
if (error) {
} else {
    console.log(`Got result of ocr:\n${JSON.stringify(result, null, '    ')}`)

# findText()

 * METHOD 1: keep doing findText continually for specified times or specified long time or till a specified time
 * at.findText(params)
 * @param {object} params - object of params
    options: {
        debug: true
    }, // OPTIONAL, options for text recoginition, same as function ocr().
    matchMethod: text => text.toLowerCase() === 'examples', // REQUIRED, How to do matching to determine found.
    duration: 10, // OPTIONAL, how long time you want it to keep finding? Three formats are supported: 1. `duration: 10` means repeat finding 10 times, the value must be a number, can't be a string; 2. `duration: '60s'` means keep finding for 60 seconds, the value must be seconds + a character 's'; 3. `duration: '2020-05-30 12:00:00'` means keep finding till 2020-05-30 12:00:00. Default is `duration: 10` means repeat 10 times, the value must be a string.
    interval: 1000, // OPTIONAL, interval between loops in milliseconds, default is 1000 milliseconds.
    exitIfFound: true, // OPTIONAL, if exit findText if got a result successfully, default is true.
    eachFindingCallback: () => { // OPTIONAL, will call this function after each finding loop.
        console.log(`------Did a time of finding text at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}-------`)
    foundCallback: result => { // OPTIONAL, will call this function while getting matched result, returns the rectangle coordinate matching the action you specified through `matchMethod`.
        console.log(`Got result of findText:\n${JSON.stringify(result, null, '    ')}`)
        alert(`Got result of findText:\n${JSON.stringify(result)}`)
    errorCallback: error => { // OPTIONAL, handle any error, will exit findText if got error, if no errorCallback provide, it will alert while getting error.
    completedCallback: () => { // OPTIONAL, callback when all finding completed
        console.log('findText compeleted!')
    block: false, // OPTIONAL, you want to run findColors asynchronously or synchronously, block=true means it will run synchronously and block here till completed, default is false, doesn't block here.


console.log(`>>>>>>>>> 2222222 Executing here at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`)

 * METHOD 2: do findText a single time synchronously
 * at.findText(options, matchMethod)
 * @param {object} options - ocr options, same with `ocr()`
 * @param {function} matchMethod - matchMethod, same with METHOD 1 of findText
 * @returns {array} - array of [result, error]
const [result, error] = at.findText({}, text => text.toLowerCase() === 'examples')
if (error) {
    alert('Failed to findText, error: %s', error)
} else {
    console.log('Got result by findText synchronously', result);


console.log(`>>>>>>>>> 3333333 Executing here at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`)

 * METHOD 3: do findText a single time asynchronously
 * at.findText(options, matchMethod, callback)
 * @param {object} options - ocr options, same with `ocr()`
 * @param {function} matchMethod - same with METHOD 1 of findText
 * @param {function} callback - callback function for handling the result or error
at.findText({}, text => text.toLowerCase() === 'examples', (result, error) => {
    if (error) {
        alert('Failed to findText, error: %s', error)
    console.log('Got result by findText asynchronously', result);


console.log(`>>>>>>>>> 4444444 Executing here at ${new Date().toLocaleString()}`)

// Format of findText result:
// [
//     {
//         "bottomRight": {
//             "x": 355.99,
//             "y": 1442.97
//         },
//         "topRight": {
//             "x": 355.99,
//             "y": 1504.57
//         },
//         "topLeft": {
//             "x": 35.7,
//             "y": 1505.92
//         },
//         "bottomLeft": {
//             "x": 35.7,
//             "y": 1444.33
//         }
//     }
// ]

# appInfo

Get the speficied App's displayName,executablePath,bundleContainerPath,dataContainerPath.


Parameter Type Specification
appIdentifier String App identifier,such as "com.apple.mobilesafari", Get identifiers from here (opens new window).


Return Type Specification
info table App info table


const info = at.appInfo("com.microsoft.Office.Outlook")

# setTimer(scriptPath, fireTime, repeat, interval)

Set timer for a script.


Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
filePath string Path starts with "/" is a absolute path, otherwise it's a relative path NO
fireTime string or integer When should the timer trigger. If this parameter is an integer, it means you want it trigger after n seconds from now on, if it is a string, it should be a datetime with format "2019-09-17 08:12:52" which means the timer will trigger at this time. NO
repeat boolean If the timer should run repleatly. NO
interval integer Repeat interval in seconds. NO


Return Type Specification
done boolean If it is successful.


// trigger after 1000 seconds
// Path starts with "/" is a absolute path, otherwise it's a relative path
const done = at.setTimer("Records/test.js", 1000, false, 0)
// Equals to
const done = at.setTimer("/var/mobile/Library/AutoTouch/Scripts/Records/test.js", 1000, false, 0)

// trigger at 2019-09-17 08:12:52 and repeat every 10000 seconds
const done = at.setTimer("Records/test.js", "2019-09-17 08:12:52", true, 10000)

# removeTimer

Remove timer of a script.


Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
filePath string Path starts with "/" is a absolute path, otherwise it's a relative path NO


Return Type Specification
done boolean If it is successful.


const done = at.removeTimer("Records/test.js")
// Equals to
const done = at.removeTimer("/var/mobile/Library/AutoTouch/Scripts/Records/test.js")

# keepAutoTouchAwake

Keep AutoTouch awake aginst iOS idle sleep.


Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
keepAwake boolean Keep AutoTouch awake or not NO





# exec

Run a shell command


Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
command String Shell command NO


Return Type Specification
result String Result.


const result = at.exec('ls -l')

# saveToSystemAlbum(filePath, albumName)

Save an image or video from specific path to system


Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
filePath string File relative path or absolute path NO
albumName string Album name YES




at.saveToSystemAlbum("Examples/images/cat.png"); // Save an image or video from specific path to system album without specifying the album name
at.saveToSystemAlbum("Examples/images/cat.png", "Test1"); // Save an image or video from specific path to a specified system album
at.saveToSystemAlbum("test.mp4", "Test2"); // Save an image or video from specific path to a specified system album

# clearSystemAlbum(albumName)

Clear all images and videos in system album


Parameter Type Specification Optional Default
albumName string Album name YES




at.saveToSystemAlbum("test.mp4", "Test2"); // Save an image or video from specific path to a specified system album

at.clearSystemAlbum("Test2"); // Clear all images and videos in a specific system album
at.clearSystemAlbum(); // Clear all images and videos in all system albums

# Constants

# Types of physical keys

Value Specification

# Types of dialog controls

Value Specification
CONTROLLER_TYPE.REMEMBER Switch for remember user inputs

# Types of device orientations

Value Specification
ORIENTATION_TYPE.UNKNOWN Unknown orientation. Practical value is 0.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.PORTRAIT Portrait screen. Home button is at the bottom. Practical value is 1.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.PORTRAIT_UPSIDE_DOWN Upside-down portrait screen. Home button on the top. Practical value is 2.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.LANDSCAPE_LEFT Landscape left screen. Home Key is in the left. Practical value is 3.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT Landscape right screen. Home key is in the right. Practical value is 4.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.FACE_UP The device is face up, Practical value is 5.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.FACE_DOWN The device is face down, Practical value is 6.

# Types of app interface orientations

Value Specification
ORIENTATION_TYPE.UNKNOWN Unknown orientation. Practical value is string 0.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.PORTRAIT Portrait screen. Home button is at the bottom. Practical value is 1.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.PORTRAIT_UPSIDE_DOWN Upside-down portrait screen. Home button on the top. Practical value is 2.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.LANDSCAPE_LEFT Landscape left screen. Home Key is in the left. Practical value is string 3.
ORIENTATION_TYPE.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT Landscape right screen. Home key is in the right. Practical value is string 4.

# Types of ocr methods

Value Specification
OCR_METHOD.IOS_VISION Use iOS built-in Vision.framework to do ocr.
OCR_METHOD.AI_CLOUD Use remote AI service bases on TesseractOCR to do ocr.
Last Updated: 8 months ago